Hörzentrum Oldenburg

Hörzentrum is a clinical audiological centre that provides hearing aid advice and audiological diagnostics to patients throughout Europe as well as patient-related contractual research work for hearing instrument companies (e.g., studies for hearing aid development, hearing aid evaluation with patients, marketing research), primarily funded by industry (serving 92% of the world market). The research will take place within the R&D department, which carries out research projects commissioned by the acoustics industry, e.g., hearing aid and audiologic equipment manufacturers. The department specialises in the following areas: Development of algorithms for future digital hearing aids, noise reduction, dynamic compression, algorithms with binaural interaction, development and evaluation of hearing diagnostics procedures and implementation of diagnostic procedures in hardware and software solutions.

Project to be hosted

  • ESR13 Visual enrichment for improving acoustic communication with hearing aids

Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment

  • facilities for audiologic research
  • facilities for patient testing
  • free-field acoustic test rooms
  • sound-proof booths
