Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology

The goal of the Project Group for Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology of the Fraunhofer IDMT is to implement scientific findings on auditory perception of normal and impaired hearing in technological applications. Scientists from various fields (physics, electrical engineering, social sciences and others) carry out applied research and development on behalf of industrial companies and public institutions in the fields of telecommunications, multimedia, health and care services, building technology, transport, industrial production and security. The main research areas are modelling and prediction of auditory perception, personalized voice and sound reproduction in media and communication systems, computer-based acoustic speech and event recognition, audio signal enhancement, use and acceptance studies for assistive technologies.

Project hosted

Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment

  • Fully equipped labs for auditory research
  • sound-insulated booths
  • anechoic chambers
  • communication acoustics simulator
  • living lab for conducting user studies in realistic home environments
  • database of listeners with special hearing needs
